1. get_class: By using this, we can get the class name of an object.
<?php class cls1 { } $obj=new cls1(); echo get_class($obj); ?>
2. get_class_vars: It is used to get all variables of a class as Array elements.
<?php class cls1 { var $x=100; var $y=200; } print_r(get_class_vars("cls1")); ?>
3. get_class_methods: To get the all methods of a class as an array.
<?php class cls1 { function fun1() { } function fun2() { } } print_r(get_class_methods("cls1")); ?>
4. get_declare_classes: To get the all declare classes in current script along with predefined classes.
<?php class cls1 { } print_r(get_declared_classes()); ?>
5. get_object_vars: To get all variables of an object as an array.
<?php class cls1 { var $x=100; var $y=200; } $obj= new cls1(); print_r(get_object_vars($obj)); ?>
6. class_exists: To check whether the specified class is existed or not.
<?php class cls1 { } echo class_exists("cls1"); ?>
7. is_subclass_of: By using this function we can check whether the 1st class is subclass of 2nd class or not.
<?php class cls1 { } class cls2 extends cls1 { } echo is_subclass_of("cls2","cls1"); ?>
8. method_exists: By using this function we can check whether the class method is existed or not.
<?php class cls1 { function fun1() { } } echo method_exists("cls1","fun1"); ?>