There are 3 types of Access Specifiers available in PHP, Public, Private and Protected.
Public - class members with this access modifier will be publicly accessible from anywhere, even from outside the scope of the class.
Private - class members with this keyword will be accessed within the class itself. It protects members from outside class access with the reference of the class instance.
Protected - same as private, except by allowing subclasses to access protected superclass members.
<?php class demo { public $name="Ajeet"; functiondisp() { echo $this->name."<br/>"; } } class child extends demo { function show() { echo $this->name; } } $obj= new child; echo $obj->name."<br/>"; $obj->disp(); $obj->show(); ?>
<?php classrookienerd { private $name="Sonoo"; private function show() { echo "This is private method of parent class"; } } class child extends rookienerd { function show1() { echo $this->name; } } $obj= new child; $obj->show(); $obj->show1(); ?>
<?php classrookienerd { protected $x=500; protected $y=100; function add() { echo $sum=$this->x+$this->y."<br/>"; } } class child extends rookienerd { function sub() { echo $sub=$this->x-$this->y."<br/>"; } } $obj= new child; $obj->add(); $obj->sub(); ?>
<?php classrookienerd { public $name="Ajeet"; protected $profile="HR"; private $salary=5000000; public function show() { echo "Welcome : ".$this->name."<br/>"; echo "Profile : ".$this->profile."<br/>"; echo "Salary : ".$this->salary."<br/>"; } } classchilds extends rookienerd { public function show1() { echo "Welcome : ".$this->name."<br/>"; echo "Profile : ".$this->profile."<br/>"; echo "Salary : ".$this->salary."<br/>"; } } $obj= new childs; $obj->show1(); ?>