Express.js Routing

Routing is made from the word route. It is used to determine the specific behavior of an application. It specifies how an application responds to a client request to a particular route, URI or path and a specific HTTP request method (GET, POST, etc.). It can handle different types of HTTP requests.

Let's take an example to see basic routing.

File: routing_example.js

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
   console.log("Got a GET request for the homepage");
   res.send('Welcome to rookienerd!');
})'/', function (req, res) {
   console.log("Got a POST request for the homepage");
   res.send('I am Impossible! ');
app.delete('/del_student', function (req, res) {
   console.log("Got a DELETE request for /del_student");
   res.send('I am Deleted!');
app.get('/enrolled_student', function (req, res) {
   console.log("Got a GET request for /enrolled_student");
   res.send('I am an enrolled student.');
// This responds a GET request for abcd, abxcd, ab123cd, and so on
app.get('/ab*cd', function(req, res) {   
   console.log("Got a GET request for /ab*cd");
   res.send('Pattern Matched.');
var server = app.listen(8000, function () {
var host = server.address().address
  var port = server.address().port
console.log("Example app listening at http://%s:%s", host, port)
ExpressJS Routing

You see that server is listening.

Now, you can see the result generated by server on the local host


This is the homepage of the example app.

ExpressJS Routing

Note: The Command Prompt will be updated after one successful response.

ExpressJS Routing

You can see the different pages by changing routes.

ExpressJS Routing

Updated command prompt:

ExpressJS Routing

This can read the pattern like abcd, abxcd, ab123cd, and so on.

Next route

ExpressJS Routing

Next route

ExpressJS Routing

Updated command prompt:

ExpressJS Routing
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