Html Physical Styles

If no style is specified for the text contained by the <body>..</body> tag, the text will be rendered as a default settings.

Browsers Default Behavior

The text style can be changed using the following physical styles.

<b>Bold contents
<big>Increased font size
<blink>Alternating fore- and background colors
<font>Specifies smaller or larger text. Requires "size" attribute *
<i>Italic contents
<small>Decreased font size
<s> or <strike>Strike-through text
<sub>Subscripted text
<sup>Superscripted text
<tt>Teletypewriter style
<u>Underlined contents
<b> Element

The text inside <b>..</b> block is rendered in the <b>bold text<b> style.

<big> element

The text inside <big>..</big> block is rendered with the <big>bigger<big> font.

<blink> element
The text inside <blink>..</blink> block just blink on and blink off <blink>blink<blink>.
<font> element

The text inside <font>..</font> block needs the <b>size</b> attribute to specify how much larger or smaller the contained text should be than the surrounding text.

<i> element

The text inside <i>..</i> block is used to render text in the <i>italic</i> style.

<small> element

The text inside <small>..</small> block is rendered with a <small> smaller</small> font than the current font.

<strike> or <s> element

The text inside <strike>..</strike> block is rendered as <strike> strike-through <strike> text style.

<sub> element

The text inside <sub>..</sub> element is rendered with <i>subscript<i> text style.

<sup> element

The text inside <sup>..</sup> element is rendered with <i>superscript<i> text style.

<tt> element

The text inside <tt>..</tt> element is rendered with <i>teletype<i> or mono-spaced text style.

<u> element

The text inside <u>..</u> element is rendered with <i>underlined<i> text style.

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