Creation and Updating Date

The Creation date and the Updation date of a webpage can be notified to the search engines with the help of <meta> tags and their http-equiv attributes set to "creation-date" and expires".
The value of each content attribute should be a date with the below format.

ddd - Represnts first three letters of the day name (Mon, Tue, etc.)
dd - Represents the day number (01, 02... 31)
mmm - Represents the first three letters of the month name (Jan, Feb,.. Dec)
yyyy - Represent the year (e.g. 2013)
hh:mm:ss - Represents the hour, minute and second (e.g. 11:48:53)
ttt - Represents the standard time (e.g - GMT)

<meta http-equiv="creation-date" content="Fri, 12, Jul 2013 12:00:00 GMT">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Sun, 21, Jul 2013 12:00:00 GMT">
Welcome to Rookie Nerd

To use the different date format, use the scheme attribute as below

<meta http-equiv="creation-date" content="12-25-2013" scheme="Month-Day-Year">
Welcome to Rookie Nerd
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