background position

The background-position property is used specify the top and the left of the background image relative to the top and the left of the element box. The possible values are.
left | center | rightfor horizontal direction
top | center | bottomfor vertical direction
For example
background-position : 30px 50px    /* first value applies to horizontal direction,  
second value apply to vertical direction*/
background-position : left bottom
background-position : 10%    /* applies to both the vertical and horizontal direction.*/ 
        p {margin: 10px}
        body * {background-image: url(bg.jpg)}
<body style="background-image: url(image.png);background-position: 0px">
    <p style="background-position: 0px"> Say it before it's too late.</p>
    <p style="background-position: 10px"> Say it before it's too late.</p>
    <p style="background-position: -10px 10%"> Say it before it's too late.</p>
    <p style="background-position: 6% -6%"> Say it before it's too late.</p>
    <p style="background-position: 6cm"> Say it before it's too late.</p>
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